8th Grade Homework
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: Reading Response, Vocab Unit 2 start
HW: Ch. 9 & 10 due Wed, Vocab Unit 2 & flippy due Fri 9-30
Social Studies
HW: Reconstruction Poster revision 10/5, bring a 3 hole punched 2 pocket folder to class
Algebra 8
In Class: Subtracting rational numbers
HW: p.82 (6-14 even,18,20,26,28,42,44)
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Ordering rational numbers
HW: p. 9 (14-28 even)-due Thursday, PS due tomorrow
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Inequality review
HW: p. 368 (2-10 even) & p. 387 (1-4 *no graphs) – due Thursday
In Class: Matter/Mineral Quiz; Finish discussion on non/renewable resources; introduction to Rocks
Due: Nothing
HW: Nothing
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class: Intro a Piratas—un librito
HW: Cruzigrama due tomorrow
French 1-B
In Class: passer l’interro, jouer à la loto
HW: rien
Comp 2
In Class: Reasoning Book p. 17, 35, 2, 3
HW: none
In Class: Landform creation/destruction pictorial
HW: pictorial due tomorrow
Geography B (Band)
In Class: no class
HW: pictorial due tomorrow
Study Skills
In Class: Dict Sentences, Mid Quarter Grade check
HW: Mid Q Grade Check completed & signed by an adult at home (9/29); Homework Day WEDNESDAY this week!