8th Grade Homework
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: Academic English, Library Day
HW: Vocab Quiz tomorrow, Ch. 5-8 due Monday
Social Studies
HW: Reconstruction Study Guide 9/26, Reconstruction Test 9/27, Reconstruction Poster revision 10/5
Algebra 8
In Class: Rational numbers
HW: 2.1 WS
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Study for tomorrow’s quiz
HW: 1-1 & 1-2 Study Guide
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Applications of proportions
HW: p. 175 (2,4,5) & p.180 (33,34)
In Class: Properties of Minerals; how to identify minerals; begin mineral identification lab
Due: Nothing
HW: Mineral Mania (aka Mighty Mineral) project (due Monday); Matter and Minerals Quiz (Tuesday)
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class: Escribir un párrafo con información de la entrevista, adjetivos posesivos, p. 232
HW: Historieta due tomorrow
French 1-B
In Class: Parler avec un partenaire, écouter
HW: Finir les exercices dans le TPG (la première étape)
Comp 2
In Class: Finish WS “Heavy” Solving Algebraic Equations
HW: Finish blue heavy ws
In Class:
In Class: Unit 1 Test
HW: World Physical Features due tomorrow
Geography B (Band)
In Class: Unit 1 Test, Changes on Earth’s surface
HW: Questions/Graphic HW, World Physical Features due Monday
Study Skills
In Class: Trick Answers, locker clean out
HW: Spec Quiz tomorrow!