7th Grade 9/21

7th Grade Homework
DATE: 9/21
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: warm-ups, finish group discussions, media and the role it plays
HW: chapter 9-10 and guide (9/26), bring your vocabulary WB to class tomorrow

Social Studies
In Class:

Pre-Algebra B (Voxland)
In Class: 1.4 Exponents
HW: p. 22-23 #13-22, 27-29, 32-34, 39 Due Friday. Quiz on Friday. Yesterday’s homework due tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra (Schneck)
In Class: 1st Hr: Test!, 2nd Hr: Work on Problem Solving (“What’s My Number”)

Algebra 8
In Class: Start MCA Diagnostic Test

In Class: Baby Whizzes article – variable practice
HW: Scientific method @ work due tomorrow – Permission slip due Friday

In Class:

Spanish 1-A
In Class: quia.com, lotería
HW: poster due tomorrow

French 1-A
In Class: Chasse au trésor – le livre
HW: Study for quiz tomorrow on 1 – 30, accents, commands, alphabet

Study Skills
In Class: Executive Function test—good luck!
HW: Spec quiz Friday

In Class: warm-ups, inferences, Outsiders/Animal Farm (main idea, inferencing, comprehension)
HW: study prefix set 2—quiz 9/23

Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Lacrosse
HW: PE Clothes & Deodorant