7th Grade 9/26

7th Grade Homework
DATE: 9/26
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: warm-ups, go over guides, assumptions and judgments poster
HW: finish book and guide *2/3 hour 9/30, 4 hour 9/29, Unit 1 WB and quiz *2/3 hour 9/30, 4 hour 9/29

Social Studies
In Class: In the News, Notecard Use practice, HD Theme explanation
HW: if not finished with notecard practice, finish and hand in tomorrow

Pre-Algebra B (Voxland)
In Class: 1.5 Equations and Solutions
HW: p. 30-31 #11-20, 23-26, 29, 44, 45

Pre-Algebra (Schneck)
In Class: Adding integer practice

Algebra 8
In Class: Adding rational numbers
HW: p.77 (8,10,14,16,18,22,38,40,42,58ab)

In Class: Metric tools and converting
HW: Conversion challenge due tomorrow

In Class: EE2000 page 34 #159, 160, page 6 #24, 25
Miracle at Dunkirk, Harry Potter
HW: Bring Lesson Book Forms ASAP (tomorrow!)
Practice band music
Bring Instrument 9/28

Spanish 1-A
In Class: Finish mapas, partes del cuerpo (body parts)
HW: Flashcards due Wednesday, Monstruos due Wednesday

In Class:

Study Skills
In Class: Dict notes, Computer Lab basic skills
HW: Dict flashcards or “flipper” due tomorrow (NOT the same as your notes!)

In Class: prefix set 3, main idea quiz, reading detective
HW: flipcards (9/29), poster (9/27)

Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Football
HW: PE Clothes & Deodorant