8th Grade Homework Nov 2

***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Oscar De La Hoya packets (verb practice), independent work time
HW: OMAM test tomorrow (all materials due), Vocabulary WB 4 and 30 min. (11/11)

Social Studies
In Class:

Algebra 8
In Class: Solving Multi-Step equations
HW: p. 150 (4-8 even, 12-22 even, 38) – due Thursday, Accelerated Math due tomorrow, 5th Hour: PS due tomorrow

Algebra Foundations
In Class: Rules of Exponents
HW: p. 23 (2-5, 7, 8, 17, 18, 32, 34, 43-46)- due Thursday, Accelerated Math due tomorrow

Intermediate Algebra (Schneck)
In Class: Slope-Intercept form
HW: p. 247 (4-16 even, 22, 26, 32, 34) – due Thursday, Accelerated Math due tomorrow

Intermediate Algebra (Voxland)
In Class:

In Class: Review Earth’s History
Due: Earth’s History Study Guide
HW: study for exam tomorrow! * All Quarter 1 missing or late work due by Thursday 11/4

In Class:

Spanish 1-B
In Class:

Advanced Spanish
In Class:

In Class: Vocabulaire – 2ème étape, vouloir
HW: TPG 12, 13

Comp 2
In Class:

In Class: Consumer Rights & Shopping Lists/ Comparison Shopping
HW: Create grocery list: your list with estimated costs & then the actual list and costs with parental help!

In Class: 1st Hour: Mini Value Lesson. 3rd Hour: Hanger Sculpture.
6th Hour: Found Art Quiz/Hanger Sculptures
HW: No sketchbook assignment, catch up on unfinished assignments

Study Skills
In Class: Mavis Beacon; Computer Lab HW Time
HW: Greek & Latin Roots Final on Thursday