7th Grade Homework DATE: Nov 24
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: WDC quiz, video Central High then vs. now
HW: Chapter 13-16 (12/1), Unit 5 vocabulary WB and 30 min. (12/2)
Social Studies
In Class: Ch.4 T/F questions- correct, ch. 4 packet work
HW: No
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Study Hall (no 8th graders)
HW: Accelerated Math due 12/1
In Class: Start new PS: “Lazy Bees”
HW: Accelerated Math due 12/1
Algebra 8
In Class: Problem Solving/Graphing Activity
HW: Monday’s HW due 11/30, Accelerated Math due 12/1
In Class: SOAPS-Research on pathogens
HW: Pathogen Wanted poster due Tuesday 11/30
In Class:
Spanish 1-A
In Class: Intro 2A, Flashcards
HW: Flashcards due Wednesday, 12/1
In Class: Test – chapter 1
HW: None
Study Skills
In Class: Spec Quiz, HW Day
HW: NHW (Happy thanksgiving!)
In Class: Spelling Quiz 10, Holes study guide worktime
HW: Ch. 12-15 for Tuesday
In Class: 1st hour- preamble extra credit, correct quizzes 6th hour- ch.3 quiz and preamble quiz
HW: no
Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Choice
HW: PE Clothes