6th Grade Homework DATE: Nov 22
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class:
Social Studies
In Class:
Math 6
In Class: Correct HW, Review for Test. Ch. 3 Test Tomorrow
HW: p. 151 # 14-19, S1, S2, E1
Math Exploration
In Class: Work on My Survey project
HW: None--Any missing/make up work?
In Class: VMath
HW: TAPS due Wed.
In Class: Finish vocab – periodic table history stuff
HW: f.c. due tomorrow
General Music
In Class: Handel, The Messiah, and Homophony vs. Polyphony
HW: Finish study guide
In Class: No Class (PE Day)
HW: Practice concert music
In Class: Communication/Stress/REVIEW
HW: None-Study for TEST Weds. (11/24)
In Class: WU#5, Main Idea reading
HW: Study guide due Wednesday (cover to cover!); All late & make up work due Wednesday; Journey to Jo’Burg test on Wednesday (includes vocabulary)