7th Grade Homework DATE: Thursday, 11/11
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: correct vocabulary WB’s, verb practice, review game
HW: Chapters 2-4 WDC (11/15), Verb quiz 11/16
Social Studies
In Class: Check/collect HW, 100 Key Concepts Quiz #3, Colony Overview WS
HW: Colony Overview WS due Tomorrow if not finished
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Function Notation
HW: p. 265 (4, 10, 16, 20, 27, 28, 32, 33) – test Tuesday!
In Class: Test!
Algebra 8
Class: Ratios as Percents
HW: p. 179 (4-18 even, 26, 28, 36)
In Class: Continue with viruses
HW: nhw
In Class: (1st Hour): Chamber music, 8th grade guidance
HW: Practice log due tomorrow (2nd hour only)
Spanish 1-A
In Class: word order practice, Somos/Son + plural adjectives
HW: Study
In Class: ER verbs
HW: TPG 20, 21, Francophone country project, sentences for la bande dessinée
Study Skills
In Class: Partner Review (Man words); Reading Process review
HW: “Sustainable City” reading process due Friday; Agenda Check / Binder Check/ Syllabus due Friday; Man Quiz Friday (Lots of little things—make sure you’re ready!)
In Class: Partner Review (spelling words); Vocabulary review; Reading time
HW: Reading & Spelling Log due Friday
In Class: Checks/balances notes, Preamble practice, Checks on Power assignment
HW: Checks on power assignment
Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Floor Hockey
HW: PE Clothes