8th Grade Homework February 11, 2009

In Class: Board work, essay check in, Guest Speaker, Reflection
HW: ch. 29-31 (2/17), essay outline/rough draft (2/12), Grammar WB 79 and 80 (2/18)

Social Studies
HW: Keep working on World War I take home test, History Day Projects due at the end of the month

Math 8
In Class: CML
HW: Yesterday’s HW due tomorrow

In Class: CML
HW: Yesterday’s HW due tomorrow

In Class: CML
HW: Yesterday’s HW due tomorrow

In Class: Discussion on Universe an Big Bang Theory
HW: Universe and Stars Study Guide – due tomorrow
Universe and Stars Exam on Tuesday (2/17/09)

In Class:

In Class: Weathering and Erosion
HW: landforms WS

PE / Health
In Class: Floor Hockey
HW: Study for Tobacco test-tomorrow (Thursday)

Spanish 1-B
In Class: Diálogo presentations, lotería
HW: Study 10-15 minutes.

Advanced Spanish
In Class: “pop” quiz D.O.P., ADSL/duende work time
HW: Read chapters 6-7 in Antes de ser libres by TOMORROW.

In Class: Presenter les desins, corriger TPG, CDA
HW: CDA 6, 7 Quiz premiere étape cht 10

In Class: Spelling Review, Intros & Conclusions notes, worktime
HW: Intro & Conclusion due Thursday