8th Grade Homework
DATE: 2.27
***Please use the
homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two
days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school.
Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework
in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: Vocab Quiz 11, Shakespeare’s sentence structure
HW: 11 SS sentences due tomorrow, and keep revising those essays! Zero on the gradebook until I have an essay that has 1 or less grammatical errors J
In Class: Vocab Quiz 11, Shakespeare’s sentence structure
HW: 11 SS sentences due tomorrow, and keep revising those essays! Zero on the gradebook until I have an essay that has 1 or less grammatical errors J
Social Studies
In Class:
In Class:
In Class: Finish 1.3
notes, 1.3 questions w/ landform creation/destruction, world phys features
HW: 1.3 questions w
landform creation/destruction due tomorrow, world phys features due Friday
In Class: Standard form
In Class: Standard form
HW: 4th hour:p. 314
(1-3, 12-22even, 38,40) AM due Friday,
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Point-slope form
HW: p.305 (8-14even, 22-26even, 30-34even, 40), AM due Friday
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Point-slope form
HW: p.305 (8-14even, 22-26even, 30-34even, 40), AM due Friday
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Pythagorean theorem
HW: p. 740 (4,6,8,24,26,28,33-35), AM due Fridau
In Class: Tides and Eclipses
In Class: Pythagorean theorem
HW: p. 740 (4,6,8,24,26,28,33-35), AM due Fridau
In Class: Tides and Eclipses
Due: Nothing
HW: Eclipses Review
(Thursday); Moon Quiz (Thursday)
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class:
In Class: 6th – les sketchs, une dictée 7th – le sketch, le passé compose + il y a + time
In Class: 6th – les sketchs, une dictée 7th – le sketch, le passé compose + il y a + time
HW: 6th –
rien 7th - rien
In Class: Basketball
HW: PE Clothes. Shoes
+ Deodorant
Rec Reading (A Class)
In Class: Quiz vocab w/ a partner,
Journal #5
HW: Finish your book!, Vocab quiz
3/5, Project due 3/11
English Extensions
In Class: Computer lab work
time—revising English essays