7th Grade HW 2/22

7th Grade Homework
DATE: 2.21
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Tell the World What We Think, chapter 7 and 8 discussion, Malcolm X, injustice poster
HW: chapter 9 and 10 and double entry (2/26), Unit 11 quiz Wednesday 2/27

Social Studies
In Class: Constitutional Convention 8.6-8.7 (slavery issue)
HW: no

Pre-Algebra (Voxland)
In Class: Correct “Direct Variation # 13-24”, Graphing Picture
HW: WS Graphing Picture due Monday. Bonus point if colored/decorated

Pre-Algebra B (Voxland)
In Class: Correct “Scout/Ant”& “Direct Variation, Fraction Review
HW: WS “Mount Everest” Add/Sub Fractions, Fraction Equations. Due Monday

Pre-Algebra (Schneck)
In Class: Review proportions
HW: AM due 3/1

Algebra 8
In Class: Writing more equations
HW: AM due 3/1

In Class: Science Fair discussion!!
HW: science fair packet signature = monday

In Class:

Spanish 1-A
In Class:

French 1-A
In Class: passer l'interro
HW: rien

In Class: review vocabulary, You’ve Been Sentenced

In Class: week 3 quiz, C. lab work time
HW: rough draft due Monday---- must be typed. Email if you can’t print before school starts Monday (sancel@twincitiesacademy.org)

PE/H7: Choice
HW: Gym Clothes, Shoes + Deodorant