8th Grade Homework DATE: Wednesday, February 2, 2011
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: warm-ups (nonfiction), Timeline chapters 4-10, partner discussion
HW: chapter 11-15 (2/7), vocabulary WB 8 (2/3), 30 min. (2/4)
Social Studies
HW: All History Day Facts 2/7, Papers & Websites due 2/7, Exhibits & Documentaries due 2/11, WWI take home test 2/14
Algebra 8
In Class: Start new PS: "Locker Games"
HW: Acc Math & PS (Free Fruit) & HW due upon Schneck's return from illness
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Work on PS: "Something's Fishy"
HW: Acc Math due upon Schneck's return from illness
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: 7.4 Solve by Elimination and Multiplication firstHW: p. 454 # 4-14even, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 37, 38, 40
In Class: Review air masses and introduction to weather fronts
Due: Nothing
HW: Review notes throughout the week – pop quiz at some point!; “Air Masses & Fronts” Review Homework (due Friday)
In Class: Linus and Lucy, Les Mis
HW: Practice copies are home, practice 6/8, cut time, dotted eighth rhythms in book
Spanish 1-B
In Class: Laboratorio para practicar
HW: Estudiar
Advanced Spanish
In Class: Spicy—usos del pretérito
HW: Duende 4 due Monday
In Class: Mise en train pour chapitre 8, faire les cartes
HW: CDA 1, 2, fnish cartes for page 235 (ones with drawings)
Comp 2
In Class: Inference puzzles, Freak the Mighty ch. 12-13 w/ character inferences
HW: Should be done reading through ch. 13, study guide for ch. 11, 12, 13 due Monday
Writing (Hour 5)
In Class: Week 1 review; Computer Lab worktime
HW: Quiz Friday; AMA due Monday; Works Cited due Tuesday (must be done w/ Ms JJ at school)
Writing (Hour 6 / alternates w/ Financial Literacy)
In Class: A Class: Week 1 quiz; AMA worktime
HW: AMA due Tuesday (worktime again on Friday)
Financial Literacy
In Class: Intro to Stock Market Game / Research companies
HW: Narrow your list of companies down from ten to five
In Class: World physical features
HW: finish world physical features if did not in class