8th Grade Homework 2/14

8th Grade Homework DATE: Monday, February 14, 2011
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: warm-ups (sequence), chapter 16-22 timeline, Lotus vs. O-lan
HW: chapter 23-28 (2/23), spelling quiz 5 tomorrow ***permission slips need to be turned in ASAP!!!!!!!

Social Studies
HW: 1920s Trading Cards due 2/23

Algebra 8
In Class: Start reviewing for test
HW: p. 349 (1-14, 16-18) – due Thursday, Accelerated Math & Problem Solving due Wednesday. Test Friday

Algebra Foundations
In Class: Solving equations with variables on both sides
HW: p. 87 (2-4, 15, 16), Quiz Friday, Accelerated Math & Problem Solving due Wednesday

Intermediate Algebra
In Class: 8.1 Exponents with Products
HW: p. 492 # 3-48 multiples of 3

In Class: Review climate change concepts
HW: Weather & Oceanography study guide (due tomorrow); Weather & Oceanography Test (Thursday)

In Class:

Spanish 1-B
In Class:

Advanced Spanish
In Class:

In Class: il me faut vs j'ai besoin de / Bonne St. Valentin
HW: étudier pour l'interro (mercredi) - 1ère étape du chapitre 8

Comp 2
In Class: Newspaper Race and scavenger hunt
HW: Finish Scavenger Hunt if not done in class, Read pgs. 103-114 in Freak the Mighty

Writing (Hour 5)
In Class: Week 3 notes, Editing, Complications cont.
HW: Final copy w/ all daily work due Thursday 2/17

Writing (Hour 6 / alternates w/ Financial Literacy)
In Class: A Class; Week 3 notes, Revising groups
HW: Final copy due Friday 2/18 with all daily work

Financial Literacy (B)
In Class: Financial Goals
HW: Create Five Financial Goals (at least one short, one mid, and one long term goal)

In Class: