7th Grade Homework Sheets 2/8

7th Grade Homework DATE: Tuesday 2/8
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: warm-ups, spelling pretest 5, Casino review sentence game
HW: finish book and guide (2/8)

Social Studies
In Class:

Intermediate Algebra
In Class:

In Class: Centers of data & range
HW: p. 259 (8, 12, 14, 18) – calculators OK! – due Thursday

Pre-Algebra B:
In Class: Dividing decimals
HW: p. 253 (12-16 even, 24, 26) – due Thursday

Algebra 8
In Class: Scatter plots & fitted lines
HW: p. 328 (3-5) – due Thursday

In Class: Evidence for evolution theory
HW: giraffe due tomorrow – s.g. due Thursday – evolution test Friday

In Class: Writing day
HW: Practice p. 23

Spanish 1-A
In Class: Jeopardy
HW: Test tomorrow, study

In Class: partenaires, écouter
HW: TPG 4 – read the grammaire box

Writing (Hours 3 & 4)
In Class: Revising chart; Revising groups
HW: Finish revising (if not finished in class) for Wed; Extra credit for a typed draft on Wednesday (can’t be the same as the final!)

Writing (Hour 7 w/ Band)
In Class: Week 2 notes, Week 2 review; Persuasive techniques notes
HW: Medium & Style sheet due Thurs; Week 2 quiz Thurs.

In Class: 5 spelling errors; How-to writing
HW: Rough draft of how-two paragraph due tomorrow

Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Kickball
HW: PE Clothes