8th Grade 3/12

8th Grade Homework
DATE: 3.12.12
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Cause & effect review, Book pictures, Unit 12 vocab
HW: Ch 19 & 20, Vocab & flippy due Fri

Social Studies
HW: Cold War Study Guide, Butter Battle Ending 3/19, All Pursuits due by 3/21, All Q3 late work due by 3/21

Algebra 8
In Class: Test & Notebook Check

Algebra Foundations
In Class: Graphing Functions
HW: p. 177 (2,6,8,12,14,16,21,23-25)

Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Factoring Completely
HW: p. 610 (24,26,32,34,38,46,48,50)*Test Thursday

In Class: Vagabonds of the Solar System (asteroids, meteors, comets, TNOs)
Due: Planet for Sale project
HW: 1) Planets Quiz (Tomorrow); Planet/Solar System Review (Wednesday); begin thinking about what defines a planet for persuasive article assignment

In Class:

Spanish 1-B
In Class:

French 1-B
In Class:

Comp 2
In Class: Finish and correct WS “Age Problems”, Begin WS 6.4/6.6 Equivalent and Absolute Value Equations
HW: none

Writing (A Class)
In Class: Bio review, MLA review, Work time
HW: RD due W 3/14, Bio quiz W 3/14

Financial Literacy
In Class:

In Class: 3 & 4 Speedball
HW: Deodorant/Sox/Water

In Class: New Greek Roots; Finish “The Telephone”; Inference Formula FFS + OPK = I
HW: Inference Formula Worksheet due Wednesday 3/14; Greek Root Quiz Friday; Extra Credit due 3/22