8th Grade 2/14

8th Grade Homework
DATE: 2.14.12
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: What’s a Lady?, V-Day discussion
HW: Ch. 26 & 27 due tomorrow, Unit 10 & flippy due Fri

Social Studies
HW: Between the Wars Study Guide due today, Between the Wars Test 2/15, Radio Program Broadcasts begin soon, have your script ready, Battlefield Banners 2/20

Algebra 8
In Class: Parallel & perpendicular lines
HW: p.322 (2,4,6,12,16,20,26,28)*due Thursday, AM due tomorrow

Algebra Foundations
In Class: Test Fix
HW: AM due tomorrow

Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Exponential Decay
HW: p.535 (4-10even, 36, 48)*due Thursday, AM due tomorrow

In Class: Weather and Oceanography exam
Due: Study guide to turn in
HW: None

In Class:

Spanish 1-B
In Class:

French 1-B
In Class: pratiquer les sketches, le jour de St. Valentin
HW: Etudier pour l'interro (quiz), finir les feuilles pour le jour de St. Valentin

Comp 2
In Class: Finish and correct WS “Spaceship” Geometry problem solving
HW: none

Writing (A Class)
In Class: Jur/jus/jud review, MLA style review, start rough draft
HW: Rough Draft due 2/16, Jur/jus/jud quiz 2/16, final due 2/21

Financial Literacy
In Class:

In Class: Volleyball skills
HW: Deodorant/Sox/Water

In Class: