7th Grade 2/23

7th Grade Homework
DATE: feb 23
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: warm-ups, Journal, “All They Had Left”
HW: final project (2/27), guide and book (2/24), spelling test 3 (2/27), flipcards and def. pgs. 2/24)

Social Studies
In Class: Ch. 8 Quiz, chapter 9 intro (the Constitution)
HW: in the news if applicable, ratification poster due tomorrow

Pre-Algebra B (Voxland)
In Class: Review Equations and Inequalities, WS Review p. 131 & 132 *Test Tomorrow
HW: Finish Review WS p. 131&132

Pre-Algebra (Schneck)
In Class: Percent of Change
HW: p. 340 (8-18even)

Algebra 8
In Class: Intro to inequalities

In Class: finish digestion – review – circulation vocab start
HW: digestion questions = tomorrow; 6:30 on digestion on LEFT = Monday

In Class: Check key terms from unit 2, Ch. 4-5 partner question activity
HW: no

Civics (Band)
In Class: Check key terms from unit 2, Ch. 4-5 partner question activity
HW: no

In Class:

Spanish 1-A
In Class:

French 1-A
In Class:

Reading 7
In Class: Quick Write, Gerald Vizenor
HW: Finish reading G.V.; Quiz tomorrow; Study guide & late / make up work due T 2/28; Final American Indian test T 2/28

In Class:

Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: