8th Grade 10/19

8th Grade Homework
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Vocab Quiz, I Know Why… worktime
HW: Maya Angelou Unit due 10-31 (includes 8 page study guide & poetry square)

Social Studies
HW: History Day list of sources 10/31, Homestead Poem 10/31, Pursuits due BY 11/2, All late work for Q! due BY 11/3

Algebra 8
In Class: Calculator scavenger hunt

Algebra Foundations
In Class: MCA Analysis & Work on Problem Solving
HW: Fraction WS due Tuesday

Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Calculator scavenger hunt

In Class: Fossils reading and correlation practice
Due: Earth's History Review Worksheet
HW: Word Root Quiz (Tuesday) - all terms

In Class:

Spanish 1-B
In Class: ¿Eres tú, María? vocabulario
HW: rough draft due Tuesday

French 1-B
In Class: Regarder le film
HW: Etudier pour l'examen (study for the test)

Comp 2
In Class: Dividing Exponents and Negative Exponents, Jeopardy
HW: none

In Class: finish and discuss 4.1 World Resources, start World Economic Activity
HW: no

Geography B (Band)
In Class: no class
HW: 4.2 ws due tuesday

Study Skills
In Class:

In Class: Torn Paper Portrait (Due End of Class)
HW: Sketchbook: Fantasy World (Middleground, Background, foreground)