8th Grade 10/18

8th Grade Homework
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Maya A review, start selections from I Know Why…
HW: Vocab Quiz Wed (study for 20 minutes); Maya Angelou SG & Poetry quilt square due 10-31

Social Studies

Algebra 8
In Class: Graphing calculator scavenger hunt
HW: Accelerated Math due tomorrow

Algebra Foundations
In Class: Fraction review
HW: Fraction WS

Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Graphing calculator scavenger hunt
HW: Accelerated Math due tomorrow

In Class: Relative Dating and Correlation
Due: Stratigraphic Column
HW: Earth’s History Review

In Class:

Spanish 1-B
In Class: Piratas cap.3
HW: 2 more descriptions due tomorrow, Rough draft due 10/25

French 1-B
In Class: information questions, panorama culturel (CDA)
HW: Rien

Comp 2
In Class: Exponents: Power to a Power, Product of Powers, Quotient of Powers WS
HW: none

In Class: Check 3.2/Resource Q’s hw, finish going over 3.2, Discuss resource questions, 4.1 World Resources Worksheet
HW: no

Geography B (Band)
In Class: Check 3.2 hw and go over, 4.1 World Resources Notes, 4.2 World Economic Activity HW
HW: 4.2 HW due tuesday

Study Skills
In Class:

In Class: Torn Paper Portrait (Due Wed.)
HW: Sketchbook: Fantasy World (Middleground, Background, foreground)