7th Grade Homework DATE: December 15, 2010
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: warm-ups, “Miracle Worker” background, begin reading
HW: vocabulary WB 6 and 30 min. (12/16), news articles (12/17)
Social Studies
In Class: In the News, French and Indian War Notes, Process paper discussion (5th)
HW: Process Paper outline due monday
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Research data!
HW: Project due Monday
In Class: Work on PS: Painting Problem
HW: HW due tomorrow (p. 194), 4th Hour: PS due 1/5
Algebra 8
In Class: Direct Variation
HW: p. 256 (3-7, 14-18 even, 24, 26, 27)
In Class: Collect lab hw – Punnett Square stuff - SOAPS
HW: Punnett practice due tomorrow
In Class: Watch concert video, reflection, turn in music
HW: NHW, bring instruments Friday
Spanish 1-A
In Class: favorite(a), más…que
HW: Review due Friday, Project due Monday, Test Monday
In Class: Agreeing and disagreeing
HW: CDA 7, 8 quiz tomorrow – 1ère étape du chapitre 2
Study Skills
In Class: Sect vocab, Ject & Sect review, English vocabulary worktime
HW: Study “Sect” list for Monday
In Class: Spelling review; Holes read aloud; English vocab question time
HW: Ch. 33-36
In Class: Collect Bill of Rights book, Citizenship Quiz #5, Citizen Duties/Responsibilities
HW: Ch. 4 Quiz coming up!
Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: