6th Grade Homework DATE: December 15, 2010
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: Commonly Misspelled list #8; Grammar notes - pronouns
HW: Vocab chap #6 due tomorrow; Read ROT puff:21-36 schol:14-26 due Friday; Chap 2 grammar pages due after break
Social Studies
In Class: 11.2
HW: 11.2 ?s 2-4 due tomorrow
Math 6
In Class: Review 4.4-4.6 fractions
HW: p. 190 # 2-24 evens. (This is a take home quiz, no calculators please)
Math Exploration
In Class: Add and Subtract fractions, Estimate fraction sums
HW: Worksheets 4-8, 4-9 due Friday
In Class: V-Math – Check Mutual Funds
HW: nhw
In Class: Vocab and “Drawing Atoms” notes
HW: f.c. due tomorrow
General Music
In Class: No Class (PE Day)
In Class: Watch concert video, reflection, turn in music
HW: NHW, bring instruments Friday
In Class:
In Class: WU #11, Positive / Negative timeline introduction
HW: Ch. 10 & 11; Study guide, timeline, and all Crossing late & make up work due Monday!