6th Grade HW Sheet 11/30

6th Grade Homework  



 ***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class:  
Type essay rough draft in computer lab (11/24, 11/25, 11/30, 12/1)

HW: "Eleven" essay rough draft (due Wed 12/2), "Eleven" essay final copy (due Mon 12/7), Vocabulary Workbook 4A-4D (due Mon 12/7)


English Ext

In Class:  warm-up, DEAR
HW: no hw


In Class:


In Class:  Louise Erdrich Author Study
HW:  Chp 4 Investigation WS - Steps 2 and 3 (due Tues 12/1), Chp 4 Study Guide WS (due Wed 12/2), Chp 4 Test on Thurs 12/3

Math 6
In Class: Error Analysis
HW: none

Math Extensions
In Class: Math Game: Skunk
HW: none


Algebra 7

In Class:


In Class:


In Class:

French 1MS
In Class:  Warm-up, work on 
HW: 10 sentences with ER verbs and activities due 12/1

French Immersion
In Class  Warm-up, finish working on wks.
HW: Conditional WS due 12/1 

French Int:  
In Class:Warm-up. question with Acheter

HW: p. 150(9A) and 151( 10A)

Spanish I-A
In Class: Warm up, classroom supply/color listening activity
HW: None

Spanish Immersion
In Class:

In Class:

Gym/Health [A[
In Class: Speedball
HW: PE Clothes, Shoes & Deodorant

Art Group C
In Class: Reading ScholasicArts Magazine - Tim Burton
HW:  Sketchbook #7 due Friday, Dec. 4 - Draw a magical/fantastical underwater scene.  Using any color art materials you choose - you cannot have any white paper showing!