6th Grade HW 10/23/14

6th Grade Homework  



 ***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Self & peer edit rough drafts, book talk/vocab work time
HW: Book talk builder WS (due Fri), Book talk notecards & presentation (due Mon), Vocab Workbook 1A-1D (due Mon), Final copy Eleven essay (due Thurs 10/30)


English Ext

In Class: warm-up, The Giver
HW: no hw


In Class: Continue reading Rifka; Begin Study Guide

HW:  None

In Class: Dakota seasons group activity
HW: Study vocab for quiz tomorrow, Chp 3 Comprehension WS (due Mon), Chp 3 test (Wed 10/29)

Math 6
In Class: Finish Unit 1 Test
HW: NO H/W  Notebook Quiz Tomorrow

Math Extensions
In Class: Organize Binders


Algebra 7

In Class:  Finish Order of Operations w/s.  Start  unit 2 review guide

HW:  Notebook Quiz 2 tomorrow

In Class: Chalk Talk Day 3 – a better design

HW: Finish tasks if you didn’t in class

In Class:

French I-A
In Class: Warm up, France
HW:  Study for quiz

 French I-B
In Class: Nourriture
HW:  Study for quiz

French Immersion
In Class: Les articles

Spanish I-A
In Class: 2nd Hour: Weird Al activity (finish in class tomorrow with sub)
3rd Hour: Intro to unit project (Beyonce reading in class tomorrow with sub, start project when done)
6th Hour: Begin Beyonce reading (finish tomorrow with sub)
HW: None

Spanish Immersion
In Class: do parts C, D, and E from La creación story
HW: finish parts C, D, E

In Class:

In Class: Baseball
HW: PE Clothes, Shoes & Deodorant

In Class: Egyptian god/goddess portraits

HW:  Sketchbook #3 due tomorrow/ Elements of Design quiz tomorrow