6th grade HW 12/3

6th Grade Homework  

DATE: 12/3


 ***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Rifka historical preview, vocab test graphing
HW: Vocab Workbooks Lesson 2 (sections 2A-2D)


English Ext

In Class: Tuesday w-up, Fear article---read aloud and respond
HW: no hw

Literacy Group A

In Class: Spelling Demons #4, Reading Skill: Summarizing, Non-Fiction Reading

HW: Summarize Article in 3-6 Sentences

In Class:

Math 6
In Class: Ready to Go On. p. 172 # 2-26 evens
HW: 5th and 6th hour:  HW depends on score for RTGO. If unsure, do EP8 #3-24 multiples of 3. 7th hour, finish p. 172.

Math Extensions
In Class: GCF
HW: none

In Class: Google Research

HW: None

In Class: Alien Periodic Table and Turn in Properties Lab and Element Cards
HW: none

French I-A
In Class:

French Immersion
In Class:
Spanish I-A
In Class: Data quiz
HW: Adjective agreement worksheet due tomorrow

Spanish Immersion
In Class:

In Class: Warmups, scales, and Essential Elements 2000.  Concert Preparation
HW: Practice Minutes (goal is 100/week!)
Concert on December 17th, 7 PM at TCA

Gym/Health [B]
In Class: Nutrition Conversation
HW: PE Clothes, Shoes & Deodorant

In Class: