7th Grade Homework Feb 15

***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class:

Social Studies
In Class:

Intermediate Algebra
In Class:

In Class: Finish Quiz, collect data if time
HW: Accelerated Math & Problem Solving due tomorrow

Pre-Algebra B:
In Class: Quiz
HW: Accelerated Math & Problem Solving due tomorrow

Algebra 8
In Class: “What’s My Equation?”
HW: Accelerated Math & Problem Solving due tomorrow; yesterday’s HW due Thursday

In Class: Start digestion stuff
HW: f.c. due tomorrow

In Class:

Spanish 1-A
In Class: Ser Review, Para mantener la salud
HW: Ser worksheet due Thursday, Flashcards due Friday

In Class: Passer l'interro, Le vocabulaire - 2ème étape du chapitre 3
HW: Finir les cartes

Writing (Hours 3 & 4)
In Class: Guidance Day
HW: Ad Parody due Wed.

Writing (Hour 7 w/ Band)
In Class: Band Day
HW: See Yesterday

In Class: 5 Spelling Errors, Problem / solution expository writing
HW: Rough Draft problem / solution paragraphs (2) due tomorrow

Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Fitness
HW: PE Clothes