6th Grade Homework 1/6

6th Grade Homework DATE: Jan. 6
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Editing paragraphs; vocab practice for ROT
HW: Final paragraph due tomorrow; chap 7 vocab due tomorrow; read through chap five in ROT (study guide through #5 in chap 5+6) by Tuesday. *Scholastic Book orders due on Friday, Jan 14th. Order online at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs with code GNHRT.*
Social Studies
In Class: Practice 50 states/capitols test; Desert lesson 4-6
HW: Desert lesson 4-6 due Tuesday; study for 50 state test on MONDAY!!!! Books covered by tomorrow

Math 6
In Class: 5.4 Regrouping for Subtraction with Mixed Numbers
HW: p. 236-237 # 1-5, 12-15, 29, 34, 38, 41. E.C. # 26, 30, 43

Math Exploration
In Class: “Frigid Fridays” Integer logic, Yellow Book p. diamond 25 and square 25
HW: none…check grades online for missing assignments!

In Class: Food Research – Check Math
HW: ONE question/problem for food due Tuesday

In Class: Intro to Chem Rxns
HW: F.C. due tomorrow – Atom model due 1/12

General Music
In Class: Pop music form, classical music form
HW: Find a pop song with verse/chorus or AABA form

In Class: no class (PE day)
HW: Review p. 20

In Class: Nutrition
HW: Analyze the ingredients in a recipe from a magazine or online source. Explain which of the six nutrients are included and which are missing. Suggest other foods that could be served at the same meal to provide balance. Due Monday 1/10.

In Class: WU #16, How to Write a Friendly Letter, worktime
HW: p. 33-40, Quiz tomorrow, Journal due Tuesday