6th Grade Homework April 6, 2010

***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Nonsense Poetry ‘The Walloping Window-blind’
HW: Nonsense poem (at least 8 lines)

Social Studies
In Class: Industrial Revolution lessons 3 and 4
HW: Lesson review ?s

Math 6
In Class: 9.7 Similar and congruent figures
HW: p. 456-457 # 1-8, 16-18, 20

Math Exploration
In Class: Correct perimeter and area WS; begin taking notes from Queue books.
HW: none

In Class: Math Day
HW: TASQ due tomorrow – Math assign. due Thurs

In Class: Continue with energy sources and alternatives
HW: nhw

General Music
In Class: Intro to Jazz
HW: nhw

In Class: Tech Day
HW: nhw

Technology B
In Class: Syllabus, Technology Vocab
HW: Syllabus due Thurs, Simile poster due Tues.

Writing B
In Class: Pretest

In Class: Soccer
HW: PE Clothes