7th Grade Homework Dec. 16, 2009

***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: turn in study guides, Dr. J and Mr. H Test
HW: rough draft essay (12/17), Vocabulary WB 5 (12/17), Final essay (1/4), Vocabulary Quiz 5 (12/18)

Social Studies
In Class:

Math 7
In Class: Work on Problem Solving – due 1/6
HW: Accelerated Math & Problem Solving due 1/6, yesterday’s HW due tomorrow

In Class: Work on Problem Solving – due 1/6
HW: Accelerated Math & Problem Solving due 1/6, yesterday’s HW due tomorrow

Algebra 7
In Class: 6.1-6.3 packet
HW: packet due Thursday

In Class: Worktime
HW: Study guide and dragon babies due Thursday/ TEST on Friday!!

In Class:

Spanish 1-A
In Class: Computer lab, quia.com to do practice activities
HW: Chapter review due tomorrow, Test Friday! STUDY

In Class: Les nombres, l’heure
HW: Interro – jeudi on l’heure et les nombres

Study Skills
In Class: Sect review 6-10, How to Read Science
HW: Finish Science notes & practice / History notes & reading for Thursday

In Class: