7th Grade Homework April 6, 2009

In Class: Board work, sentence structure review, ch. 2 discussion, Ch. 3
HW: Journal by 4/8

Social Studies
HW: Early Presidents/New Republic study guide, work on binder

Math 7
In Class: Probability
HW: p. 636 (2-9, 14-18, 35,36)

In Class: Constructed Responses
HW: Constructed Response #18

In Class: Organism relationships/interactions – DATA due!
HW: SCIENCE FAIR – analysis rough draft due Mon 4/13. Project due 4/15.

In Class: Rhythm work on band pieces
HW: New SM on Wednesday

In Class: WU #21, Manzanar Map Activity
HW: Map activity due Wed.

Spanish 1-A
In Class: check crossword, stations
HW: Study 15 minutes, flashcards and verb IR

In Class Translate song “La Positive Attitude”, give back quiz, review vocabulaire
HW: Conjugate faire, avoir, and 2 “er” verbs. Write 12 complete sentences using these (or other) verbs, making at least 4 sentences negative. Use different subjects (not just je!)

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