7th Grade HW 2/25/15

7th Grade Homework


***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: warm-up, Holocaust stations
HW: AF through July 5, 1942 (2/26), final paper (2/24), Lesson 10 A-D (3/2)

In Class: College Readiness
HW: Bring one History Day source to class for annotated bibliography practice

Pre-Algebra Kreinbrink
In Class: Begin Unit 4 Test today. Part 1
HW: Part 2 of Test tomorrow

Pre-Algebra B
In Class: Order of operations
HW: Order of Operations WS

Algebra 7
In Class: Happy Hopper game
HW: NHW, CRISP party tomorrow!

In Class: I can analyze and reflect upon the random sampling data I collected. 
HW: Return Dodge Nature Center permission slip by Friday. 

In Class: Make Your Own Headphones Work time
HW: None

In Class:

Spanish I-A
In Class: Warm up, Data quiz for 1st hour, work time for paragraphs
HW: Mini posters about classes due Friday

Spanish Immersion
In Class: imperfect review, intro preterit v imperfect
HW: vocab quiz Friday

French I-A
In Class: Review article definite, Learn article indefinite. Class work p 27#4a-b
HW:  NONE~ study vocabs

 French I-B
In Class: Warm up, Room description paragraph

French Immersion
In Class: Study for quiz retake
HW:  Study

In Class: Finishing up Gender Stereotypes essay
HW: None.  Work on essay, if needing to catch up with class

In Class: 1 pt perspective cityscape drawings
HW:  :  no homework all week

English Extensions
In Class: warm-up, “Unbroken”
HW: no hw

In Class:

In class: PE Choice
HW: PE Clothes/Shoes/Deodorant/Water