6th Grade HW 1/15

DATE: 1/15

 ***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Sweatshop inferno reading
HW: Study for vocab quiz Thurs (hour 6) and Fri (hours 5, 7)

English Ext
In Class: Wed. w-up, Chapter 6
HW: no hw

Literacy Group C
In Class: HW:

In Class:  Correct HW, review for Chp 5 test
HW: Study for Chp 5 test Thurs (hour 2) and Fri (hours 1 and 3)

Math 6
In Class: Letter and Farm Project Discussion
HW: Farm Project due Friday

Math Extensions
In Class: Warm up and Farm Project
HW: none

In Class: Write It, Do It
HW: None

In Class: Law of Conservation Mass Quiz
HW: Chem Rxn WS due tomorrow

French I-A
In Class:
HW:  HW- Adjectives page 79-80 Due Wednesday 1/15

French Immersion
In Class: Reflexive verbs
HW:   W.S reflexives verbs Due tomorrow 1/15

Spanish I-A
In Class: Finish conducting surveys
HW: Calculate % results

Spanish Immersion
In Class: imperfect tense
HW: none

In Class:

Gym/Health [A]
In Class: Fitness + Choice
HW: PE Clothes, Shoes & Deodorant

Art (B)
In Class: