8th Grade Homework
DATE: Dec 13
***Please use the homework
sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days.
Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who
are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the
office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: Choices today / consequences tomorrow; Finish sonnet projects; cont. w Midsummer
HW: Permission slip due Friday, continue working on late / make up work
In Class: Choices today / consequences tomorrow; Finish sonnet projects; cont. w Midsummer
HW: Permission slip due Friday, continue working on late / make up work
Social Studies
Algebra 8
In Class: 4th Hr: Graphing functions, 7th Hr: Intro to functions
Algebra 8
In Class: 4th Hr: Graphing functions, 7th Hr: Intro to functions
HW: 4th Hr: p. 209
(4-18even, 23-26,37)*due Monday, 7th Hr: p. 38 (3-8, 12,16,20), AM
due tomorrow
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Graphing functions activity
HW: Walkathon WS
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Graphing functions activity
HW: Walkathon WS
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Writing equations given slope and y-intercept
HW: Ch 5 AM due Tues, Regular AM due tomorrow
In Class: How the atmosphere is heated – reading section 7.3 in the text and note-taking
In Class: Writing equations given slope and y-intercept
HW: Ch 5 AM due Tues, Regular AM due tomorrow
In Class: How the atmosphere is heated – reading section 7.3 in the text and note-taking
Due: Any missing work; notebook
checks today
HW: Make sure any missing work
gets in asap
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class:
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class:
In Class: 2nd - l'imparfait 6th - ir verbs / faire
In Class: 2nd - l'imparfait 6th - ir verbs / faire
HW: 2nd - finir le paquet (imp vs p.c.) (pas le CDE) / CDE pages 60 et 61
In Class: Writing in Scenes,
cont. w Mom’s Cancer
HW: Spelling & Editing quiz
English Extensions
In Class: A Midsummer Night’s Dream graphic novel