8th Grade Homework
DATE: October 3, 2012
***Please use the homework
sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days.
Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who
are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the
office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: Vocab Quiz Unit 2, Propaganda revising groups
HW: Propaganda speech due Friday (typed & printed)
In Class: Vocab Quiz Unit 2, Propaganda revising groups
HW: Propaganda speech due Friday (typed & printed)
Social Studies
HW: Fix Binder Mistakes, History Day Ideas Graphic Organizer 10/8
Algebra 8
In Class: Work on Study Guide
HW: Fix Binder Mistakes, History Day Ideas Graphic Organizer 10/8
Algebra 8
In Class: Work on Study Guide
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Irrational Numbers
HW: p.113 (4,6,7,16-22even,25,34,36)
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Irrational Numbers
HW: p.113 (4,6,7,16-22even,25,34,36)
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: STUDY
HW: Test Friday
In Class: Quiz Bowl Review – Matter, Minerals and Rocks
In Class: STUDY
HW: Test Friday
In Class: Quiz Bowl Review – Matter, Minerals and Rocks
Due: Study Guide (Due to check;
will turn in tomorrow)
HW: Matter, Minerals and Rocks
Exam (Thursday); Rock Cycle Story Extra Credit (Friday)
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class: Practice Ser vs. Estar, Write descriptive paragraphs about a person.
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class: Practice Ser vs. Estar, Write descriptive paragraphs about a person.
HW: Descriptive paragraphs (Due
In Class: 2nd - prendre des notes sur l'imparfait, 6th - regarder le roman-photo
In Class: 2nd - prendre des notes sur l'imparfait, 6th - regarder le roman-photo
HW: 2nd - le réadaction (les vacances), 6th - finir CDE 4A
In Class: Ultimate Football
HW: Deodorant/Sox/Water
English Extensions
In Class: Computer
lab time to work on speeches