8th Grade Homework
DATE: 4.11
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: Important words review; LC presentations; Start Act 1 scene 5
HW: Vocab quiz tomorrow; Read SparkNotes for Act 2, scenes 1 & 2
Social Studies
HW: fix binder mistakes, Civil Rights Timeline
Algebra 8
In Class: Finish stations
Algebra Foundations
In Class: Finish stations
HW: Chapter 13 Review WS (1, 2, 5, 6)
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Stations
HW: p. 466 assignment due Friday
In Class: Scientific processes review
Due: Blue Review sheet
HW: Sci. Processes (White) sheet with 4 question sets (due tomorrow)
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class:
French 1-B
In Class: écouter, partenaires
HW: Rien
Comp 2
In Class: Trig Function Fun "Lumberjack" WS
HW: none
Writing (A Class)
In Class: Frail notes, Partner study for MLA test
HW: MLA test Monday
Financial Literacy
In Class:
In Class: Fitness
HW: Deodorant/Sox/Water
In Class: Grade Level English Work on Warriors Don’t Cry and The Twelfth Night
HW: Prefix QUIZ tomorrow—RE(again) OVER(too much) MIS (wrongly) SUB (under) UN (not or opposite of)