8th Grade Homework
DATE: 3.15.12
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: O-Lan timeline (Ch 24-26), Study guide questions, Vocab worktime
HW: Ch 27 & 28 due tomorrow, Vocab book & flippy due tomorrow, Checking study guide questions for Ch 15-26 tomorrow
Social Studies
HW: Cold War Study Guide, Butter Battle Ending 3/19, All Pursuits due by 3/21, All Q3 late work due by 3/21
Algebra 8
In Class: Graphing review
HW: p. 944 (1-3)*due Monday, Prep for Pi Day!
Algebra Foundations
In Class: x & y intercepts
HW: p. 183 (2-12even, 17,19,21)*due Monday, Prep for Pi Day!
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Test
HW: Prep for Pi Day!
In Class: review facts for Pandora Planet Problem persuasive article; discuss “The Universe”
Due: Nothing
HW: Pandora Planet Problem persuasive article – rough draft due Friday; final due Monday; Solar System and Universe study guide (Wednesday); Solar System and Universe Exam (next Thursday 3/22)
In Class:
Spanish 1-B
In Class:
French 1-B
In Class:
Comp 2
In Class: Surface Area and Volume of Cylinders
HW: none
Writing (B Class)
In Class: Bio quiz, Revising essays
HW: Extra credit for typed draft Monday; Final due Wed 3/21 w/ all daily work
Financial Literacy
In Class: Balance Checkbook / Video ~ Should we make ‘cents?’
HW: Research the companies with the ticker symbols:
FORD & HP. (Hint ~ they are NOT Ford motor company & Hewlett Packard). Write a company summary for each one. Include the following:
• Name of company & what the company does
• Where it was established & when
Use the interactive chart in Yahoo Finance to find out how the company has been performing on the stock market over the past year. Also find the maximum amount a share sold for & when. DUE WED
In Class: 3 & 4 PE Choice; 6 Drugs Group Presentation Research
HW: Deodorant/Sox/Water
In Class:
HW: No homework