8th Grade 12/1

8th Grade Homework DATE: ***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.*** English In Class: MLA review questions, Finish MLA power points HW: Unit 6 vocab workbook & flippy due Friday Social Studies HW: History Day Parent Signature form 12/5, History Day 25 Facts 12/5, bring thesis statement to class on 12/5 Algebra 8 In Class: Test HW: NHW Algebra Foundations In Class: Multiplying with scientific notation HW: NHW Intermediate Algebra In Class: Test HW: NHW Science In Class: Word Root Quiz; Layers of the Atmosphere Due: nothing HW: Record weather (each day); Science in the News article summary {topic: weather and atmosphere}(due Tomorrow); Atmospheric Layers Flipper (Monday); Atmosphere quiz (Monday) Band In Class: HW: Spanish 1-B In Class: Piratas capĂ­tulo 5 HW: el dormitorio writing assignment due tomorrow French 1-B In Class: HW: Comp 2 In Class: HW: Geography In Class: hand back/go over 8.1, Ch. 7 Review WS HW:Ch 7 review ws tomorrow Geography B (Band) In Class: collect collages, go over 8.1 WS, go over 8.2 Questions, 8.3 notes HW:Ch. 7 review questions due monday Study Skills In Class: HW: