7th Grade Homework 3/23

7th Grade Homework DATE: 3.23.11
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: warm-ups, timeline stations
HW: vocabulary WB 11 (3/24), 30 min. (3/25), final draft (3/25), “Carew Murder Case” – “Incident at the Window” (4/4)

Social Studies
In Class:

Intermediate Algebra
In Class:

In Class: STUDY! Test tomorrow!
HW: p. 309 (20,24), p. 425 (24,28,29), p. 426 (15), p. 427 (2,8), p. 526 (12-18 even, 23, 28)

Pre-Algebra B:
In Class: STUDY! Test tomorrow!
HW: p. 309 (20,24), p. 425 (24,28,29), p. 426 (15), p. 427 (2,8), p. 526 (12-18 even)

Algebra 8
In Class: Study! Test tomorrow!
HW: Study!

In Class: SOAPS – finish excretory – prep for quiz
HW: s.g. due tomorrow – quiz tomorrow and Friday

In Class:

Spanish 1-A
In Class: check crossword, computer lab—quia.com
HW: estudiar

In Class: faire / jouer activités
HW: pratiquer avec les cartes

Writing (Hours 3 & 4)
In Class: Final Project work time
HW: Spelling & Editing final test Thursday; Final project due Friday

Writing (Hour 7 w/ Band)
In Class: Spelling & Editing final

In Class: Collect dialog stories; work on English flashcards
HW: NHW (Work on late & missing work!!)

Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Soccer
HW: PE Clothes