7th Grade Homework DATE: Jan. 4
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***
In Class: warm-ups (commonly confused), Verb tense practice, irregular verbs
HW: Vocabulary WB 7 (1/13), 30 min. (1/14)
Social Studies
In Class: Annotated Bibliography work, Unit 3 Notes: Early British Actions
HW: HD- Annotated Bibliography Due Jan 13, 50 facts due Jan 27
Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Last day to work on project
HW: AM & PS due tomorrow, project due Thursday
In Class: Work on project
HW: AM & PS due tomorrow, project due Monday 1/10
Algebra 8
In Class: “What’s My Graph?”
HW: AM & PS due tomorrow, p. 275 (1-22) due Thursday
In Class: Check HW – Begin modern genetics notes/reading
HW: nhw
In Class:
Spanish 1-A
In Class: locations, ¿Dónde está…?
HW: ¿Dónde está? worksheet due tomorrow
In Class: Les horloges, les paquets (time)
HW: TPG 8 quiz on AVOIR sometime this week!!
Study Skills
In Class: Port Sentences & Word break down; Computer Lab (accents & typing)
HW: Due Friday: Go to www.onlytypinggames.com and pick “Fast Typer 2.” Play until you get a score that is 200 points higher than your first score in class, print, and have a parent or teacher sign (will likely require several rounds of play; plan on spending 10-15 minutes every night this week)
In Class: Spelling sentences, Holes vocabulary review, final worktime
HW: Study vocab; Holes test tomorrow & Holes study guide due tomorrow
In Class: Citizenship quiz #6, Collect Ch. 4 Review, Ch. 4 Quiz
Phy. Ed/Health
In Class: Fitness
HW: PE Clothes