7th Grade Homework Oct. 18

***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***

In Class: Necklace/Frogs Quiz, Library

HW: Final Draft (10/19)

Social Studies
In Class: In the News. Portuguese Explorers and Columbus
HW: HD 1st 10 sources

Intermediate Algebra
In Class: Graphing review & graphing equations


In Class: Solving 1-step equations

HW: p. 111 (17-24) & p. 115 (6-10 even, 22-24)

Algebra 8
In Class: STUDY

HW: Test tomorrow

In Class: Collect Lab HW – Diffusion demos and discussion

HW: F.C. due tomorrow – Diffusion questions due Wed – Cell models due 10/26

In Class: (2nd Hr) Jefferson County, Groovee
HW: Practice for Playing Test on 10/28

Spanish 1-A
In Class: Listening activity, partner activity
HW: Study 15

In Class: les pronoms sujets

HW: TPG 6 , read note de grammaire in TPG on page 3, CDA 7


In Class: WU#14, Interpreting notes, Manzanar Map Activity

HW: Manzanar Map & Ch. 1 due Tuesday


In Class: Spelling List #6, Inferences practice

HW: R&S Mini-Log due Wednesday (short week!)


In Class: Ch. 2 notes- finish

HW: Decl. of Ind (1st, 6A)

Phy. Ed/Health

In Class: Baseball Game

HW: PE Clothes & Baseball Glove