8th Grade Homework DATE: Sept 20
***Please use the homework sheets to get assignments if your student is absent for one or two days. Students can get notes and worksheets when they return to school. Students who are gone for three or more days may have teachers collect homework in the office for parents to pick up.***EnglishIn Class: warm-ups, quiz chapters 1-5, discussion 5, character parallelsHW: chapter 6 and 7 (9/22), Jabberwocky and parts of speech review (9/21), Vocabulary WB 1 and 30 min. (9/23)
Social StudiesHW: Explore History Day topic ideas, fix binder mistakesAlgebra 8In Class: Graphing Functions
HW: p. 38 (5-8, 12, 16, 20, 21) and p. 46 (6, 10); Accelerated Math due Wednesday; Quiz Thursday
Algebra FoundationsIn Class: Rational Numbers on Number LinesHW: 1-2: p. 3 (1-4, 8-12)Intermediate Algebra SchneckIn Class: Quiz
HW: Accelerated Math due Wednesday
Intermediate Algebra VoxlandIn Class: HW:
ScienceIn Class: Review chemical and physical properties; intro to Minerals!
Due: “Chemical and Physical Properties” Worksheet
HW: 1) Choose your top three minerals for Mighty Mineral Project (tomorrow); Mighty Minerals Data Sheet (Friday); Final Mighty Minerals Project (due Monday 9/27/10)BandIn Class:HW:Spanish 1-BIn Class: Map Partners, Possessive Adjective Practice
HW: Flashcards due Wednesday
Advanced SpanishIn Class: Intro to Antes de ser libres, La República Dominicana, Diario topic
HW: Diario due Thursday
FrenchIn Class: L’impératif – notes, presenter les sketchsHW: Rien
Comp 2In Class: HW:
PE/HealthIn Class: Health/Wellness Test
HW: PE ClothesArt
In Class: Finishing Value on Grid Drawing
HW: Sketchbook Assignment: 3 personal objects
Study Skills
In Class: Spec / Dict notes; Time Management
HW: Visual Schedule due Wednesday